Abstract Information

Session Abstract Information

The abstract submission process is now closed. Notifications will be sent out at the beginning of November.

Welcome to the 2013 Public Health Preparedness Summit Session Abstract Submission Process!
This year’s Summit Planning Committee invites public health, emergency management, and other professionals nationwide to showcase and share their best practice training models, tools, or other resources that advance the field of public health preparedness. The committee is especially interested in receiving models and tools that show proven results in building and sustaining public health preparedness at the local, state, tribal, or national level.

This year’s Summit sessions will be divided into five categories:

  • Workshops and Trainings: These 2-8 hour sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage attendees directly and explore topics in depth through hands-on activities, live demonstrations, immersive simulations, didactic instruction or other forms of engagement for the purpose of training attendees. Preference will be given to those who align with the Summit themes and highlight innovative technology or solutions. Abstracts must include summaries that clearly describe the focus and outcomes (i.e., enhance knowledge, build skills, shape attitudes/beliefs) of the training or workshop.
  • Interactive Sessions: These sessions are 90 minutes in length and are designed to be interactive, and produce identifiable outcomes and focus on engaging participants. These sessions are limited to a maximum of no more than three speakers.
  • Roundtable Sessions: These sessions are 45 minutes in length and are designed to be informal, interactive, or question and answer sessions on a specific topic or issue. They may include feedback on programmatic ideas or be devoted to developing action agendas or policy statements. Please note: These sessions will not include the option of using PowerPoint presentations or other more formal presentation modalities.
  • Ignite Sessions: The format for these sessions is based on the Ignite and Pecha Kucha models that are often used by the technology community to share ideas. Encapsulated in the Ignite motto “enlighten us, but make it quick,” each presentation is exactly five minutes long with just 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Presenters are encouraged to create “shows” that are light on text, generous on graphics, and based on the foundation of a compelling and significant story. Presenters will share 45 minute sharing sessions or 90 minute Interactive sessions with other Ignite presenters and should be prepared for discussion following the presentations. For more information on the Ignite model see www.igniteshow.com or contact Justin Snair at [email protected] or 202-507-4287.
  • Posters: This format will be used to display innovative practices, award winning programs, share documents, exchange ideas, and ask questions. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference with select times in which poster presenters will be asked to be available to answer questions about the material displayed.

If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please do not hesitate to contact Laura Harrison at 202-507-4226 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Thank you and we look forward to your presentation at the Summit!